Fighting Bullying

Officer Willie Brooks is a certified school resource officer instructor. He teaches students, staff, and parents how to identify bullying. Brooks is specialized in identifying where bullying occurs and making sure that the students are safe. Officer Brooks’ goal is to train the school staff where they can identify where bullying is occurring so that they are monitoring these places in what most call “hotspots”.

Bullying behavior occurs in “hotspots” areas with low levels of adult supervision, such as a playground, bus, or cafeteria.” This only proves that bullying happens every day usually in the same area, yet no one is there to see or help. This is where Officer Brooks, “SNITCHES GET RICHES” movement comes into play.

When a student identifies and reports bullying safely and anonymously to a trusted adult, they will be rewarded with a gift of their choice from the TREASURE CHEST. This movement is guaranteed to help report students who are bullied and being bullied.

If you would like to donate a new toy or a gift card where toys could be purchased, please feel free to contact us.

Fighting Bullying​ Contact Form